Bumble bee.jpg
Color Icon

Color: Black with yellow stripes

Size Icon

Size: 1"

Leg Icon

Legs: 6

Antennae Icon

Antennae: Yes

Shape Icon

Shape: Oval; bee shape

Region Icon

Region: Found throughout U.S.

What is a bumble bee?

Bumble bees are considered a beneficial insect because they pollinate crops and plants, however, they can sting.

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  • /media/388207/bumble_bee2__steve_pidan_. (2)
  • Bumble bee and flower 7.JPG
  • Bumble bee flying.jpg

What do bumble bees look like?

Bumble bees are fuzzy stinging insects with black bodies and yellow stripes. They have oval-shaped bodies.

Bumble Bee Behaviors

Looking to get rid of bumble bees? Bumble bees can be prevented through inspection of potential nesting areas and removal of potential harborage materials. Because bumble bees will sting when threatened, homeowners are advised to seek out a bee pest control service rather than try to address the infestation themselves.

Where Bumble Bees are Found

Bumble bees often nest in the ground, but can be found above ground around patio areas or decks. They will sometimes build their ness in soffits of attics.

Risks from Bumble Bees

As part of their aggressive defense of their nests, bumble bees will chase nest invaders for a considerable distance. The bumble bee sting is one of the most painful. Unlike honey bees, bumble bees can sting more than once.

How to Get Rid of Bumble Bees

Looking to get rid of bumble bees? Bumble bees can be prevented through inspection of potential nesting areas and removal of potential harborage materials. Because bumble bees will sting when threatened, homeowners are advised to seek out a bee pest control service rather than try to address the infestation themselves.

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