Bugs and Pests Commonly Found in the Bathroom
Though the bathroom is where we go to get clean, a pest infestation in this area of the house can leave you feeling gross, no matter how hard you scrub. Mainly due to their attraction to moisture, a number of bugs are typically found in bathrooms. These pesky invaders include ants, cockroaches, silverfish, spiders and centipedes.
Bathroom Bugs Identification
Cockroaches in the Bathroom
Known for their affinity for sewers and drains, it’s no surprise that cockroaches can regularly be found residing in bathrooms. Preferring warm and moist environments, bathrooms provide an ideal home for these infamous invaders. If drains aren’t routinely cleaned and covered, a bathroom can easily become a cockroach haven.
Ants in the Bathroom
The most common ant species to invade washrooms are pharaoh and carpenter ants. Bathrooms provide the ideal environment for pharaoh ants, as they prefer to nest in warm, humid areas with access to water. These tiny bathroom bugs will usually seek refuge in wall voids, behind baseboards, and under floors. Similarly, carpenter ants, needing water to survive, primarily attack wet wood.
Other Pests in the Bathroom
Silverfish, though more commonly found in kitchens, can also get comfortable in bathrooms due to mold growth caused by moisture buildup. In addition to feeding on mold, these silvery gray pests favor moist and humid habitats, usually congregating around drains.
Though not as strongly attracted to moisture as other invaders, spiders and centipedes can also occasionally make their way into bathrooms. Rather than searching for water, these pests are on the hunt for food, preying on smaller insects that are commonly found in the bathroom.
Why Pests and Bugs are Attracted to the Bathroom
Even though everyone agrees pests like cockroaches could use a good shower, soaps and suds aren’t what bring these invaders into the bathroom. The main factor that makes bathrooms such an attractive home for pests is moisture. Between sinks, showers, toilets and tubs, there is no shortage of water when it comes to bathrooms. Without proper ventilation or absorbent floor mats, tile floors and wood walls can easily collect moisture. This damp and humid environment can cause mold, a common food source for certain pests, to accumulate. Additionally, leftover water in the sink or bathtub, as well as plumbing leaks, can further contribute to the buildup of moisture. While common bathroom bugs such as cockroaches, ants and silverfish are directly attracted to water, this damp environment can also subsequently invite predators, such as centipedes and spiders, who prey on these bathroom bugs.
Pest Prevention Tips for the Bathroom
Now that you’ve learned how to identify bathroom bugs, we should prevent them from invading your bathroom. First eliminate any and all causes of excess moisture. Increase ventilation through fan use, place down absorbent floor mats, and address any leaky pipes or faucets, making sure to check under sinks and around the toilet and bathtub. Additionally, ensure that bugs don’t have access to the bathroom in the first place by sealing wall crevices with caulk and fixing broken window screens. Seal every crack, no matter how small, to keep even the tiniest bugs out of your bathroom. Replace any broken tiles, as floor cracks can allow moisture to buildup and provide pests with easy access to hiding spots.
Keeping the bathroom as a whole clean can also help prevent an infestation. Wash shower curtains and liners, and make a habit of inspecting and cleaning drains, even sealing them with a mesh cover. In particular, toilets need to be routinely cleaned, as substances such as urine can serve as a food source for pests like ants. Cabinets should also be tidied up and organized so they don’t serve as cluttered hiding spots for invaders.
How to Get Rid of Pests and Bugs in the Bathroom
If you do happen to find pests in the bathroom, first ensure that you’re following all prevention tactics. Specifically, do your best to eliminate excess moisture as most pests can only survive for about one week without water. If the apparent infestation persists, call a licensed pest professional to assess the problem and develop a program to help you get your bathroom back.
Though they may seem small, bathroom bugs and pests pose serious threats to both people and property. Carpenter ants can damage wood while pharaoh ants have been known to spread a number of disease pathogens, such as Streptococcus pyogenes and salmonella. Not to be outdone, cockroaches have been reported to spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, as well as multiple parasitic worms and other human pathogens. Furthermore, they can also trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks. Though silverfish and centipedes are mainly considered nuisance pests, spiders can bite and causes serious health effects.