Termites Likely to Flourish in Warm Spring Weather
After a long winter, warmer weather is eagerly anticipated. However, there is an important reason to be cautious during the spring - termites. The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) warns that as the temperature increases so does the potential for termite swarms and infestations.
Once termites infest a home, these aggressive pests can quickly chew through floors, walls, carpeting and even wallpaper. With a termite colony's ability to chew 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and to number in the hundreds of thousands, the damage caused by termites can threaten the structural safety of a home. In fact, NPMA research has found that termites cause more than $5 billion in property damage every year.
"Although certainly prevalent in the South, termites live in almost every region of the United States," says Jim Fredericks, technical services director for NPMA. "Every home is at risk for a termite infestation, even the most beautifully maintained property. This is why homeowners must be vigilant and regularly inspect their properties for termite damage, especially if a house does not have regularly scheduled termite inspections." Fredericks continues, "These pests have a keen ability to remain undetected until damage becomes visible."
NPMA offers these proactive tips to help prevent termite infestations within homes during the spring:
- Carefully inspect perimeter of home for rotting wood, mud tubes or a visible termite presence.
- Eliminate any sources of moisture, as water attracts termites.
- Divert water away from your property through properly functioning downspouts, gutters and splash blocks.
- Do not stack firewood or lumber near home, and inspect it carefully before bringing indoors.
- If your home is newly constructed, remove old form boards and grade stakes, which may have been left behind.
- If you see signs of a termite infestation, contact a licensed pest professional promptly.

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Ants are a common pest homeowners struggle to eradicate. Learn more about them!

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Traveling for the holidays this year? Be sure to keep an eye out for bed bugs! Use our Pest Guide to help identify this pest.

NPMA's What Grows There? Project
Check out NPMA's What Grows There? project to learn how pests, such as flies, cockroaches and rodents, can spread germs throughout a home.
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Learn About Ants
Ants are a common pest homeowners struggle to eradicate. Learn more about them!

Bed Bug Pest Guide
Traveling for the holidays this year? Be sure to keep an eye out for bed bugs! Use our Pest Guide to help identify this pest.

NPMA's What Grows There? Project
Check out NPMA's What Grows There? project to learn how pests, such as flies, cockroaches and rodents, can spread germs throughout a home.