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Bug Battles- Episode 1: Bald-Faced Hornet vs. Yellowjacket
In today's matchup, we put two small but fierce competitors in the ring. These super stingers act tough, sending over 500,000 people to the ER each year. But who will win our wing to wing matchup?
Let's bug battle: Bald-faced Hornet vs. Yellow Jacket Edition.
Coming in at just above an inch, bald-faced hornets are extremely aggressive, attacking anyone or anything that invades their space. They can bring that bad attitude indoors in the winter, so watch out for hornets hibernating in your home.
Yellow jackets are smaller but make up for it in their colony size, which can reach up to 4,000 members in a single hive. No K.O.s here—Yellow Jackets can survive the winter in areas with mild temperatures and bob and weave in underground or hidden nests.
One for one, their bulk and animosity put bald-faced hornets ahead, but there is power in numbers. Yellow Jacket colonies can have 4,000 workers, making them today's bug battle champion.
Remember, stinging pests stick. Don't be a hero—call a hero. To find a pest professional near you, visit pestworld.org.
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