Could Termites Be Inside Your Walls?

Termite infestations can severely damage the structural stability of a home without anyone even knowing before it’s too late. In fact, termites cause more than $6.8 billion in property damage each year, making vigilance of the utmost importance. Could termites be lurking behind your walls and causing structural damage to your home? View this infographic to learn about the top five signs of a termite infestation in the home.

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What Could Be Happening Behind Your Walls

Termite infestations can severely damage the structural stability of a home, without anyone even knowing, until it’s too late. In fact, termites cause more than $6.8 billion in property damage each year, which is not typically covered by homeowners’ insurance policies. Take a tour of the home below and spot the top five signs of a termite infestation.

Pro Tip: The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) recommends having a licensed pest control professional perform a thorough termite inspection of the home to keep the property safe.


Swarmers are young female and winged termites that often invade homes in the springtime. They especially seek out buildings that have sustained damage from severe winter weather. Once swarmers have determined your home to be a good fit, it’s likely that the rest of the termite colony will follow.

Hint: they are often attracted to lights.


The discarded wings of swarmers can often be found near windowsills and doors, and are often the first and only outwardly visible sign of a termite problem.


Termites tend to eat wood from the inside out, so wood that sounds hollow when tapped often signifies a termite infestation. Homeowners should also look for rotting wood.


Drywood termites produce wood-colored droppings as they eat through infested wood. If a homeowner finds a small pile of what looks like pellets inside or outside the home, it could be a sign of drywood termite infestation.


Subterranean termites, the most destructive termite species, build mud tubes to provide moisture while they travel between their colony and a food source. Mud tubes are most often found near the home’s foundation.

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