Military Veterans in Pest Control

If you are a veteran considering how to utilize your experiences for the next chapter of your life, consider a career in pest management. You are more prepared than you might think. In the military you had to solve problems, manage your time, attend to details and manage conflict. You worked with people from all walks of life. You learned how to improvise and adapt – and you committed your life to the utmost integrity and the highest degree of ethics. Whether you knew it or not, all of these experiences gave you the skills, talents, and professionalism highly desired by employers in the professional pest management industry.

The industry proudly employs military veterans from all branches of service. These men and women are often among the first to be given increased responsibilities and career advancement opportunities as their experiences have so capably prepared them for careers in professional pest management. Learn what veterans in the industry today are saying about their own careers.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a job growth in the industry of 20 percent through 2022, faster than the average for all occupations, foreshadowing solid, stable employment opportunities and strong prospects for career advancement. 

Countless individuals have taken temporary placements in the industry only to find much more than they expected – not just jobs, but true careers. Not only do industry professionals enjoy the personal satisfaction that comes from helping protect customers against pests, but most employers offer flexible schedules, family-friendly work hours, and competitive compensation and benefits.  

If you are ready to join them in changing people’s lives — and maybe even change your own — consult our industry career center or contact an NPMA-member pest control company in your area. Companies in most every region of the country are hiring. 

The professional pest management industry has many career options available; jobs in office management, sales, marketing and more. Take a look at our sample pest control job descriptions to find a position that best fits your needs or check out our some pest control career frequently asked questions.